A New Fantasy Experience

New book, new revisions, and a new fun page.

While piecing together the third book and finalizing the overall story arc for the series, I am in the midst of revising the first two books. The Dawnstone Tale has enough alterations to warrant a new copyright and ISBN, so I am faced with the choice of continuing to do it myself or seek publishers/agents and the like. I know that both would benefit from a professional editor rather than my own limited talents, but unless either is picked up by a press, I cannot afford to purchase the services of an editor.

In order to release some pent-up creativity, I have made a new page here to help focus and vent the inner workings of the main characters of the Jorthus books. I hope that it will be a fun or entertaining read and help bridge the gap between release of the books for those that are interested. It is a bit self-indulgent, true; but I often have monologues or dialogues running through my head that never work their way into the storyline even though they add to the development of the characters. It is called the Character Confessional, drop by and encourage me to think and delve into their psyches as much as possible, or leave feedback and critiques  🙂

3 responses

  1. ooooo….I will definitely drop by the confessional. I wish we could afford to handle the publishing of the Jorthus series right right now. Your books are picked up so many times at festivals. It would be great to offer it as an alternative to our series.

    I wish for the very best and I hope that maybe soon we can do more than just show off your work.


    July 1, 2010 at 11:17 pm

    • I wish the same for you! 🙂

      Maybe we can do some sort of vendor/retailer dealie where we could both profit from showing off each other’s works. My mother did that for a couple of copies in a bookstore. And with NecronomiCon coming in October….hmmm. 🙂 Blooddrinkers would do well there, I should think.


      July 2, 2010 at 4:28 pm

  2. I hope things work out. Now, when I get this new job and have a few paychecks under my belt, I think it would be more realistic to talk about publishing the Jorthus Series. We certainly have relationships with editors and copy editors, plus I’m not so bad at that sort of thing myself.

    Here is something we could do… Ah… Best to send via email…

    Anyway, I love the idea of the confessionals. You might even get some of your actor friends to read or even be videoed in costume acting out the confessional. Well, let me post my idea to you in email.




    July 2, 2010 at 10:45 pm

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